Key laboratory for electronic materials and devices

14/11/2021 - 11:20 AM 407 views

Prof. Nguyen Huy Dan
  • Fundamental and applied research on electronic materials and devices; training scientific human resources; expanding domestic and international cooperations
  • Electronic materials possessing special features (high coercivity, high permeability, total absorption of electromagnetic waves, large magnetocaloric effect, shape memory effect, multiferroic...); components for conversion and control devices (wind generators, electric vehicles, magnetic chiller, electromagnetic controller, magnetic diaphragm, electromagnetic sensors…).   +84 912 772 339


1. Investigation of fabrication of hard magnetic and magnetocaloric alloys

  • Technology process for producing (Nd, Dy)-Fe-B sintered magnets with high coercivity, Hc > 25 kOe, and high maximum energy product, (BH)max > 30 MGOe, was established. The produced magnets were applied to electrical motors and generators (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Images of as-sintered (Nd, Dy) -Fe-B magnets (a) and their magnetic charateristic curves (b); produced magnets used in electric motorbikes and wind generators (c).

  • Rare earth-free hard magnetic nanocomposites, Mn-(Bi, Ga) based magnets, with  maximum energy product (BH)max ~ 5 MGOe were fabricated.
  • Heusler (Ni-Mn-Sn, Ni-Co-Mn-Al…) and rapidly quenched (La-Fe-Si, Fe-Cr-Zr-B…) alloys with large magnetocaloric effect at room temperature region were successfully prepared.

2. Basic research on structural, electrical and magnetic characteristics of perovskite materials

  • La1-xAxMn1-yByO3 (A = Na, K, Ca, Sr, Ba, Pr, Sm; B = Co, Al, Ti) perovskites with large magnetocaloric effect at room temperature region were successfully fabricated.
  • Magnetic phase transitions and magnetic orders in the perovskites were controlled by changing the crystalline size and/or substituent.
  • Magnetoresistance effect, magnetocaloric effect and Griffiths phase phenomenon of manganese-based perovskite materials were observed. Relationships between their electromagnetic effects were given out.

  1. Nguyen Hai Yen, Nguyen Hoang Ha, Pham Thi Thanh, Nguyen Huy Ngoc, Tran Dang Thanh and Nguyen Huy Dan, Influence of Co-doping on magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of Fe-Co-Zr-Cu-B melt-spun ribbons, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 21 (2021) 2552–2557.
  2. Pham Thi Thanh, Dinh Thi Kim Oanh, Nguyen Hai Yen, Nguyen Huy Dan, Influence of Additional Micro-sized Particles of Dy-Nd-Cu-Al on Magnetic Properties of Sintered Nd-Fe-B Magnets, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 21 (2021) 2558-2562.
  3. Nguyen Huy Dan, Pham Thi Thanh, Nguyen Huy Ngoc, Nguyen Hai Yen, Tran Dang Thanh, Jung-Goo Lee, Nguyen Mau Lam, Dinh Thi Kim Oanh, Fabrication of Mn-(Bi,Ga) based hard magnetic nanocomposites, Int. J. Nanotechnol., 17 (2020) 529-540.
  4. Dao Son Lam, Nguyen Thi Dung, Tran Dang Thanh, Dinh Chi Linh, Wen-Zhe Nan, Seong Cho Yu, Magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior near the first to secondorder phase transition of La0.7Ca0.3-xSnxMnO3 compounds, Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 046101.
  5. Adler Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, ShK. Khizriev, A.M. Aliev, L.N. Khanov, N.H. Yen, N.H. Dan, H. Zhou, S.C. Yu, D.H. Kim, Phase transitions, thermal, electrical, and magnetocaloric properties of Ni50Mn37-xAlxSn13 (x=2, 4) ribbon samples, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 842 (2020) 155783.
  6. Nguyen Hai Yen, Nguyen Hoang Ha, Pham Thi Thanh, Tran Dang Thanh, Nguyen Huy Dan, Magnetic, Magnetocaloric, and Critical Properties of Fe84-xCr2+x B2Co2Zr10 MeltSpun Ribbons, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 33 (2020) 3443–3449.
  7. Nguyen Thi Dung, Y. Pham, Dao Son Lam, Nguyen Van Dang, A.G. Gamzatov, A.M. Aliev, D.H. Kim, S.C. Yu, T.D. Thanh, Critical behavior of polycrystalline Pr0.7Ca0.1Sr0.2MnO3 exhibiting the crossover of first and second order magnetic phase transitions, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9 (2020) 12747-12755.
  8. Tran Dang Thanh, Pham Duc Huyen Yen, Kieu Xuan Hau, Nguyen Thi Dung, Le Vi Nhan, Le Thi Huong, Le Viet Bau, Le Thi Anh Thu, Bach Thanh Cong, Nguyen Xuan Nghia, Le Hong Khiem, and Seong-Cho Yu, Critical behavior of Ni-doped La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 ceramics, Journal of Electronic Materials, 48 (2019) 1353-1362.
  9. Tran Dang Thanh, Dinh Chi Linh, P. D. H. Yen, D. A. Tuan, Y. D. Zhang, The-Long Phan, Suhk Kun Oh, Seong Cho Yu, Electrical and magnetic properties of La0.7Ca0.3Mn0.9Co0.1O3 locating at a threshold of the first- and second-order phase transitions, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 470 (2019) 59-63.
  10. Pham Thi Thanh, Nguyen Van Duong, Nguyen Hai Yen, Nguyen Huy Ngoc, Nguyen Mau Lam, Kieu Xuan Hau, Seong Cho Yu, Nguyen Huy Dan, Effect of adding non-ferromagnetic nanoparticles to grain boundary on coercivity of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet, Current Applied Physics, 18 (2018) 329-334.



* Introduction
Middle Frequency Furnace ZG-0.01J: melting alloys under the protective environment.
- Made in China
- Model: ZG-0.01J
* Main technical parameters
+ Sample Capacity per batch: 2-10 kg
+ Maximum Temp.: 1700oC
+ Power: 50 kW
+ High vacuum: up to 6.6.10-3 Pa
+ Frequency: 4 kHz
+ Working environment: inert gases
+ Cooling mold: pouring into the co


- The PEX-100 x 125 All Sealed Pre-Crusher: making middle size of NdFeB magnetic powder.
- Made in China
- Model: PEX-100 x 125
* Main technical parameters
+ Input hole size: 100 x 125 mm
+ Input particle size: ~20 mm
+ Output particle size: 2-4 mm
+ Yield: 80 kg/h
+ Power of motor: 3 kW
+ Working environment: inert gas


- The DSB ф 500 x 650 All Sealed middle crusher: making NdFeB powder. The product powder is suitable to Jet Mill machine as the raw materials.
- Made in China
- Model: DSB ф 500 x 650
* Main technical parameters
+ Cylinder body (inner diameter x length): ф 500 x 650 mm
+ Rotary speed of cylinder: 48 r/min.
+ Input particle size: 2-4 mm
+ Output particle size: 200-300 mm
+ Yield: 30-40 kg/h
+ Power of motor: 3 kW
+ Working environment: inert gas


- The Fluidized Bed Opposed JET Mill QLMR-260: making fine powder using in NdFeB magnet production.
- Made in China
- Model: QLMR-260
* Main technical parameters
+ Feeding grain size: <0.4 mm
+ Output grain size: 5-10 mm
+ Yield: 10 kg/h
+ Consumption of nitrogen: < 20 m3/h
+ Consumption of power: 70 kW
+ Total recovering rate of powder: >99%
+ Oxygen contains in system: <100 ppm


- The ZCY25-200 Automatic Press: pressing NdFeB magnetic powder in magnetic field.
- Made in China
- Model: ZCY25-200
* Main technical parameters
+ Max. operation pressure: 250 MPa
+ Rated pressure of hydraulic system: 15 MPa
+ Diameter of the electromagnetic iron core: 200 mm
+ Distance between two poles: 0-160 mm
+ Magnetic field strength:  2T (at the distance of 10 mm)
+ Peak power of the electromagnet: 15 kW
+ Rated power of motor: 5.5 kW


- The DYJ-120 Isostatic Press: pressing NdFeB magnetic powder in isostatic pressure after die pressed.
- Made in China
- Model: DYJ-120
* Main technical parameters
+ Max. isostatic pressure of upper cylinder: 230 MPa
+ Size of high pressure tank: F 120x200
+ Max. force of punch: 3200 kN
+ Diameter of punch: 400
+ Rated pressure of hydraulic system: 23 MPa
+ Press area: 1500 x 2500 mm2
+ Press weight: ~ 6 ton
+ Rated power of motor: 7.5 kW


- RVS-15kg Vacuum Sintering Furnace: sintering furnace for NdFeB magnet with high vacuum and enforced cooling.
- Made in China
- Model: RVS-15kg
* Main technical parameters
+ Sample Capacity: 1-15 kg
+ Temp. range: 300 – 1200 oC (± 5oC)
+ Power: 30 kW
+ High vacuum: up to 2.10-3 Pa
+ Working environment: high vacuum or positive/negative pressure with Ar, He gases
+ Cooling mode: natural/enforced cooling with inert gas filling
Requirements: no oxygen in the furnace or sintering samples put in sealed boxes


-Three-zone tube furnaces feature three 16-segment programmable controllers-one for each zone.
- Furnaces include K-type thermocouple (one per zone) and a set of tube adapters for the largest size tube the furnace will accept.
- The system can be manually operated or computerized by using an RS-485 communications port.
* Main technical parameters
+ Temp range: 200 to 1100oC
+ Chamber size: Three zones: 9", 18", 9"
+ Accepts 3" to 6" OD process tubes
+ Control type: Three, 16-segment
+ Temp. uniformity: ± 1.0oC over 14"
+ Temp. control accuracy: ± 3oC over 3-5/16" segment
+ Overall dimensions: 54"W x 26"H x 22"D
+ Power: AC 208/240V, 50/60 Hz, 11KW.


GSL1600-80X tubing furnace is a precision bench-top furnace using MoSi2 as heating elements.  It is widely used for materials or chemical lab to sinter all types of new materials samples under vacuum or other gases condition.  The temperature of GSL160-80X tubing furnace is controlled by high precision controller with accuracy ±1oC and 51 segments programmable up to 1600oC (2912 oF).
* Main technical parameters
- Tube materials: high purity Al2O3 ceramic
- Tube mize: ID: 70mm; OD: 80mm in diameter x 1000 mm length
- Max.working temperature: 1600oC (2912oF);
- Normal working temperature: 1500oC (2732oF)
- Max.heating rate: 10oC/min
- Constant temperature zone (Hot zone): 150mm
- Temperature accuracy:  ±1oC
- Input: single phase, 220V AC, 50/60 Hz
- Output: max. 5KW
- Dimension: 550 L x 450 W x 670 H  mm ( 21.7" L x 17.7" W x 26.4" H )


The Hitachi S-4800 employs a cold field emission electron source and an advanced lens technology that makes it possible achieving ultra high resolution. It is used to measure many characteristics of nanostructured materials (size, sharp, composition, etc.).
* Main technical parameters
+ Secondary electron image resolution: 1nm (15kV, WD = 4nm); 1.4 nm (1 kV, WD = 1,5nm, Deceleration mode); 2.0 nm (1 kV, WD = 1,5nm, Nomal mode)
Magnification: LM mode 20 ~ 2000x ; HM mode 100 ~ 800 000x
Transmitted electron detector used to capture the image in STEM mode. The EMAX Energy (EDX) conducts element analysis within microscopic areas measured in μm sized area.
+ Measuring advantages: It provides a huge depth of focus (a 3D image can be obtained)
+ Best resolution: 10 nm
+ Element analysis: EDX allows obtaining chemical composition information on a wide range of element of sample (from B to U) with three modes:
- Quanlity and Quantitative
- Point & ID
- Mapping


X-ray Diffractometer Equinox 5000 (made in France)is used for the following measurements:
- Phase crystals analysis of materials.
- Structure study and determine lattices constant.
- Crystal size determined for nano materials
* Main technical parameters
+ X-ray radiation: Cukal = 1,54056 Å,
+ Detector: C2H2/Ar gas detector,
+Sample: Bulk, powder and thin film,
+ Study in In-situ at high temperature.
* Measuring ranges
+ Phase analysis: a few percent of the weigh,
+ To be correct 10-3 Å with determine lattices constant,
+ Determine crystal size from a few nm to 100 nm,
2 theta scane from 0.2o to 150o,
+ Instrumental error high temperature is ±1oC

12. Hệ phún xạ Eniver 400

Leybold's UNIVEX 400 sputtering device is an important device in the fabrication technique of thin films based on physical methods and is integrated with both DC and RF sources. It can be used to fabricate single films as well as multilayer films for many different materials.
* Main technical parameters
+ Vaccum chamber
- Material: stainless steel
- Inside width: 420 mm
- Inside depth: 480 mm
- Inside height: 550 mm
- RF/DC co-sputtering capable (one RF gun and one DC gun running simultaneously)
+ Samples holder
- The 8 inch (200 mm) diameter sample holder allows to hold 1 sample up to 8 inches (200 mm) in diameter or 4 samples for 2 inch diameter.
- Speed of rotation of sample holder: 0 – 20 rpm
- Infrared heater: 750oC.
- RF sputtering source power: 600 W at 13.56 MHz frequency
- DC sputtering source power: 1000 W, output voltage of 1000 V.
- Using a quartz probe to measure the sputtering film thickness.


The lithography equipment - URE 2000S can be used for fabrication of electronic devices (such as a FET, openning contact for welding wire,...), the fabrication of MEMS devices, electrodes and microheater of the sensor and masks.
* Main technical parameters
+ Light source: (i-line) mercury lamp (wave length 365 nm)
+ Exposure areas: 110mm×110mm ~ 150mm×150mm
+ Wafer size:
- Minimum: 8mm x 8mm (f8mm)
- Maximum: 150mm × 150mm (f15mm)
+ Mask size: 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 inch
+ Illumination uniformity:
± 3.5% (110mm×110mm)
± 5% (150mm×150mm)
+ Resolution: 0.8mm ~ 1.2mm
+ Maximum film thickness of photoresist: (SU8): 600mm
+ Aligning: bottom-sided alignment (BSA)
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