Laboratory of Advanced Metallic Materials

09/11/2021 - 01:17 PM 344 views

Department Head
Dr. Trần Bảo Trung
Research, application and training on the feild of advanced metallic materials.

Functional metal and alloys: high and ultrahigh hardness (WC-based alloys, TiVA1Ni based super high hardness coating), high thermal conductivity (heat pipes), bio-implant materials (Ti and Ti alloys) and functional high entropy alloys (high thermal resistance, soft magnetic properties)   +84 912774333

  • We have successfully produced several kinds of hard alloys based on tungsten carbide applied for cutting tools and penetrators. The penetrators have been tested and obtained the penetration depths 130 mm and 300 mm on 40Cr steel targets. The project leader, Prof. Doan Dinh Phuong has been honored to Tran Dai Nghia's award in 2019.

  • The bulk and porous Ti and Ti6Al4V alloy have been fabricated for the applications in the field of bio-implant. The porosities of porous Ti and Ti6Al4V are in the range of 40 to 60% withYoung's module from 1 to 5 GPa. In-vitro and in-vivo test on rabbits show a good bio compatibility of the materials which reveals a high potential for bio-implant application.

  • We also successfully produced the copper heat pipes having the thermal conductivity of larger than 10000 W/m.K aiming to apply for heat dissipation of high power LED lamps. The project was in the collaboration with Rang Dong light source and vacuum flask joint stock Company.

 Fig. 1. a) Penetrator produced from WC-based hard alloys and 40Cr steel targets after testing and
b) copper heat pipes, 200W LED and 500W LED lamps using fabricated copper heat pipes.

  1. Phuong, D.D., et al., Characterization of Sputtered Coatings with Various Nitrogen Content Deposited from High Aluminum Alloyed TiAlV Target. Materials Transaction, 2021. 62(1): p. 82-87.

  2. Byungchul Kang, Taeyeong Kong, Nguyen Huy Dan, Doan Dinh Phuong, Ho J. Ryu,Soon Hong, Effect of boron addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of refractory Al0.1CrNbVMo high-entropy alloy. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2021. 100: p. 105636.

  3. Phuong Doan Dinh, Van Duong Luong, Ngoc Nguyen Anh, Van Pham Trinh, Microstructure and mechanical properties of MWCNT/Ti6Al4V composites consolidated by vacuum sintering, Science of Sintering, 2020. 52

  4. Van Duong, Luong, Van Luan, Nguyen, Ngoc Anh, Nguyen et. al., Enhanced mechanical properties and wear resistance of cold-rolled carbon nanotubes reinforced copper matrix composites. Materials Research Express, 2020. 7(1): p. 015069.

  5. Doan Dinh Phuong, Luong Van Duong,Nguyen Van Luan, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Pham Van Trinh, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti6Al4V Alloy Consolidated by Different Sintering Techniques. Metals, 2019. 9(10).

  6. Doan Dinh Phuong, Van Duong Luong, Phan Ngoc Minh, Hyun Jun Park, Kyoung Il Moon, Microstructure, Mechanical and Tribological Behavior of the TiAlVN coatings, Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 2018, 24 (4), 266-272

  7. Tran Bao Trung, Doan Dinh Phuong, Nguyen Van Luan, Rubanik Vasili Vasilievich, Shylin Aliaksandr Dmitrievich, Effect of ultrasonic-assisted compaction on density and hardness of Cu-CNT nanocomposites sintered by capsule-free hot isostatic pressing, Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 2017. 23(1): p. 30-36.

  8. Doan Dinh Phuong, Pham Van Trinh, Luong Van Duong, Le Danh Chung, Influence of sintering temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of WC-8Ni cemented carbide produced by vacuum sintering. Ceramics International, 2016. 42(13): p. 14937-14943


1. Spark plasma sintering equipment: Labbox 350, Sinterland
  • Maximum operate temperature: 2400oC
  • Maximum heating rate: 500oC/min
  • Maximum pressure: 30kN
2. Hot isostatic pressing equipment: AIP 630, USA
  • Maximum operate temperature: 2000oC,
  • Maximum pressure (Ar gas): 20000 psi
3. Vickers hardness tester: Mytutio- AVK C0
  • Maximum loading measurement: 50 kG
  • Minimum loading measurement: 1 kG
4. Density tester (by Archimedes principle): AND GN202, Japan
5. Others.
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