Laboratory of Chemistry and Catalytic Materials

09/11/2021 - 01:07 PM 304 views

Department Head
Assoc. Prof. Hoang Anh Son
  • Research and training
  • Research on synthesis of trace element metal nanoparticles and their applicationsin agriculture field;
  • Synthesis of composite polymer nanomaterials and their applications;
  • Synthesis of Oxime compounds capable of selectively absorbing metal ions from natural raw materials, studying the recovery of metal Ga from aluminate solution in aluminum processing industry;
  • Application of perovskite, spinel and photocatalyst materials for treatment of waste gas, toxic organic matter, bacteria and fungi in water environment;
  • Analyze and evaluate the properties of materials   +84 915 149 124


1. Electromagnetic wave barrier paint:

  • One-component, two-component, weather-resistant carbon nanocoating that shields 99.99% of incoming electromagnetic waves in the RF (100 - 3000 MHz) and X-band (8-12 GHz) frequency bands).

  • Intended use: Safely protect equipment and people from the effects of electromagnetic waves in the RF bands (100 MHz - 3000 MHz) and X-band (8-12 GHz)

2. Zero valence metal nanoparticles (trace elements):

  • Fe0, Cu0, Co0 nanoparticles have average size 30-70 nm, purity over 99.6%

  • Purpose of use: Treat seeds/seedlings, stimulate plant growth and development, increase disease resistance, increase yield by 20-30%.

3. Catalytic treatment of harmful emissions:

  • The K/MnxOy, KMnFexOy, Au/Co3O4 catalyst complex impregnated on a high-aluminum ceramic base.

  • Purpose of use: Application in medical waste incinerators, capable of converting and removing harmful emissions (NO, Nox, CO...)

  1. Chi M. Phan, Son A. Hoang, Son H. Vu, Hoang M. Nguyen, Cuong V. Nguyen, Anita E. Hyde1 and Shin‑ichi Yusa. Application of a cashew-based oxime in extracting Ni, Mn and Co from aqueous solution. Chem. Biol. Technol. Agric. (2021) 8:37

  2. Dong Van Nguyen, Huong Mai Nguyen, Nga Thanh Le. Kien Huu Nguyen, Hoa Thi Nguyen, Huong Mai Le, Anh Trung Nguyen, Ngan Thi Thu Dinh, Son Anh Hoang, Chien Van Ha. Copper Nanoparticle Application Enhances Plant Growth and Grain Yield in Maize Under Drought Stress Conditions. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. (2021).

  3. Шуканов В.П., Корытько Л.А., Мельникова Е.В., Полянская С.Н., Машкин И.А., Конг Х.Х., Ву Х.Ш., Хоанг А.Ш. ИЗМЕНЕНИЕ НЕКОТОРЫХ ФИЗИОЛОГО-БИОХИМИЧЕСКИХ ПОКАЗАТЕЛЕЙ СТРЕССОУСТОЙЧИВОСТИ ЯРОВОГО ЯЧМЕНЯ (HORDEUM VULGARE L.) ПОД ВЛИЯНИЕМ ПРЕДПОСЕВНОЙ ОБРАБОТКИ СЕМЯН НАНОЧАСТИЦАМИ МЕТАЛЛОВ. Proceedings XVI International sientific-applied conference Minsk,October 22, 2020, ISBN 978-985-566-949-5, 172-174

  4. Công Hồng Hạnh, Nguyễn Hồng Nhung, Trần Thị Hương, Trần Quế Chi, Phạm Duy Khánh, Kartsko Larisa Alexandrovna, Shukanov Vladimir Petrovich, Hoàng Anh Sơn. Hoạt tính kháng nấm của nano bạc đối với một số nấm gây bệnh trên cây trồng trong điều kiện in vitro. Tạp chí Khoa học công nghệ - Bộ KHCN, 62(9), 42-47, 2020

  5. Yosuke Shibata, Kenya Tanaka, Yusuke Asakuma, Cuong V. Nguyen, Son A. Hoang, Chi M. Phan. Selective evaporation of a butanol/water droplet by microwave irradiation, a step toward economizing biobutanol production. Biofuel Research Journal 25 (2020) 1109-1114

  6. Son A. Hoang1, Liem Q. Nguyen1, Nhung H. Nguyen1, Chi Q. Tran1, Dong V. Nguyen2, Quy N. Vu3 and Chi M. Phan4. Metal nanoparticles as effective promotors for Maize production. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-50265-2. Scientific Reports (2019)

  7. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền1, Nguyễn Hồng Nhung2, Phạm Duy Khánh2, Trần Quế Chi2, Trần Thị Thanh Thảo1 và Hoàng Anh Sơn2. Chế tạo và nghiên cứu đặc trưng tính chất của hạt nano cobalt hóa trị không. Tạp chí hóa học T57, 4E1,2, 264-269, 2019. ISSN: 0866-7144

  8. Huyen Nguyen Thi Thanh1, Son Hoang Anh2, Nhung Hong Nguyen2, Chi Que Tran2, Dong Nguyen Van3, Quy Vu Ngoc4. Research on the impact of nano metals particle in growth development and yield of maize. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology, 2019, 177-184, ISSN: 2043-6262 (Online)

  9. Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen, Nguyen Hong Nhung, Le Thanh, Pham Duy Khanh, Tran Dai Lam, Hoang Anh Son. Preparation and characterization of zerovalent iron nanoparticles, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 56(2), 226-230

  10. Hoàng Anh Sơn, Trần Quế Chi, Nguyễn Quốc Trung, Quách Thị Hoàng Yến, Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền, Đàm Văn Phú, Lê Trọng Hính, Vũ Ngọc Quý, “Ứng dụng hạt nano kim loại để xử lý hạt giống nhằm kích thích sinh trưởng và tăng năng suất thu hoạch của cây ngô”, Tạp chí Hóa học, số 55 (3e12), tr.204-209, 2017

2. Patent for invention/Utility solution:

  1. Patent for utility solution No. 1638 granted by the National Office of Intellectual Property on January 31, 2018 "PROCESSING SYNTHESIS OF HYDROXY PHENYL ALDOXIM FROM CASHEW NUTRITION OIL". Author: Hoang Anh Son

  2. Patent No. 21712 granted by the National Office of Intellectual Property on 12/08/2019 “METHOD OF SEED TREATMENT BY SOLUTION OF COPPER NANOPARTICLES”. Author: Hoang Anh Son, Nguyen Hong Nhung, Tran Que Chi, Nguyen Quang Liem


1. Particle size and zeta potential meter (Zetasizer-nano ZS)

   The machine is manufactured by Malvern (United Kingdom).

   Application: Used in research and development of Nano technology.

         Measure grain size:

   - Absolute sensitivity (Toluene kcps): 150

   - Measuring range (Maximum particle diameter): 0.3 nm - 10 microns.

         Measure the Zeta potential:

   - Sensitivity: 10mg/mL 66kDa protein

   - Zeta potential range: > +/-500mV

         Molecular Mass Measurement:

  - Molecular mass measurement range (According to DLS method): <1000Da - 2 x 107Da

  - Molecular mass measurement range (According to Debye method): <1000Da - 2 x 107Da

2. BET Surface Area Analyzers

3. Gas concentration determination device

4. Surface resistivity measuring device

5. Tube furnaces, furnaces with temperature control up to 1500o

6. Hydrogen generator

7. Planetary ball mill

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