Laboratory of Energy Materials and Devices

09/11/2021 - 10:40 AM 309 views

Department Head
Assoc.Prof. PhD. Senior Researcher Pham Duy Long
  • Research on energy materials and devices; Building and developing domestic and international scientific research cooperation; Participating in training activities of IMS.
  • Developing new materials, nanostructured materials for energy conversion. Research on the physics and technology of energy-converting materials. Research and fabricate devices (solar cells, ion batteries, sensors, detectors, fuel cells, etc.). Fabrication of equipment to receive and convert energy. Building and developing computer simulations of energy conversion materials and devices   +84 902 064 909

  • Established and developed procedures for synthesis of nanostructured semiconductor oxide materials: TiO2, ZnO, SnO2 ..., ion exchange and storage materials based on the transition metal oxide compounds LixM1-xMn2O4 (M=Ni. V, Co ...), LiLaTiO3 and Na4Mn9O18 with various morphologies (particles, rods, nanowires and nanoflowers), as well as plasmonic material systems based on Au nanostructures by chemical and physical methods (thermal evaporation). Particularly, the above material systems have been made into thin films on different substrates (glass, conductive glass, conductive substrates, etc.) to use for the fabrication of energy conversion devices such as DSSCs (Dye Sensitized Solar Cells), QDSSCs (Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells), PSCs (Perovskite Solar Cells), lithium and sodium ion batteries, or for photocatalysts and photoelectrochemical devices. Figure 1 is the SEM image of some fabricated nanostructured thin film materials

  • Successfully fabricated DSSCs from nanoporous TiO2 films with an efficiency of over 6% for a large device of 10 cm × 10 cm. The panels assembled from the devices lit the LED light bulbs, Figure 2 (State independent project 2012-2016). Fabricated perovskite solar cells without hole conductive material layer with the efficiency of 7.69 % and the stability significantly improved (VAST project 2019-2020).

  • Studied and fabricated Li+ and Na+ ion exchange and store materials of layered transition metal oxide compounds including LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 and LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2 to use for rechargeable lithium ion batteries. Successfully produced the CR2032 coin cell lithium ion battery test devices with the positive electrode from LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 or LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2 and the cathode from metallic lithium also has been processed created. The battery characteristic capacity was 125 mAh/g for LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 materials and 150 mAh/g for LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2 materials at 1/3C charging rate. The devices operated stably and the capacity was over 90% after 50 cycles of charging and discharging, Figure 2.

  • Studied and applied the plasmonic resonance effect of Au nanostructures to improve the photocatalytic and photochemical activity of the nanocomposite materials and the plasmonic/ heterogeneous composite film materials. The photoelectric, photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic properties of the produced nanocomposite materials were significantly improved. These results are being studied and developed further to improve the efficiency of solar cell devices, photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic devices for water-splitting.

Figure 1. SEM images of some fabricated nanostructured materials: (a) nanoporous TiO2 film/FTO; (b) nanowire TiO2 film/FTO; (c) nanorod ZnO film/FTO; (d, e, f) are Au nanoparticles made by thermal evaporation plus heat treatment on TiO2/glass substrates, TiO2/FTO and TiO2 nanowires; g) nanowire Na4Mn9O18 materials; (h) LixM1-xMn2O4 materials and (f) nanoflower ZnO and Au/ZnO materials.

Figure 2. Dye sensitized solar cells of 10 cm × 10 cm size assembled into a test panel to light a LED array; the stability test of button lithium ion batteries after 50 charge and discharge cycles
  1. Chi H. Le, Oanh T. T. Nguyen, Hieu S. Nguyen, Long D. Pham and Chung V. Hoang, "Controllable synthesis and visible-active photocatalytic properties of Au nanoparticles decorated urchin-like ZnO nanostructures", Current Applied Physics, 17 1506-1512 (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.cap.2017.08.015

  2. Pham Duy Long, Dang Tran Chien, Nguyen Thanh Trung, Nguyen Si Hieu, Le Ha Chi, Vu Van Cat, Vu Dinh Lam, Plasmonic effect enhanced photocurrent in nanostructured TiO2 decorated with gold nanoparticales, Journal of Electronic Materials, 46, (2017) 4448 

  3. Nguyen Van Nghia, Pham Duy Long, Ta Anh Tan, Samuel Jafian, I Ming Hung; Electrochemical Performance of a V2O5 cathode  for sodium batteries, Journal of Electronic Materials, 46, (2017)3689

  4.  I Ming Hung. Smuel Jafian, Nguyen Van Nghia, Duy Long Pham; Effect of difference vanadium sources on the electrochemical performance of sodium vanadium phosphate cathode for sodium ion batteries; Ceramic International, 43, (2017) S655

  5.  Chung V. Hoang, Koki Hayashi, Yasuo Ito, Naoki Gorai, Giles Allison, Xu Shi, Quan Sun, Zhenzhou Cheng, Kosei Ueno, Keisuke Goda and Hiroaki Misawa, "Interplay of hot electrons from localized and propagating plasmons", Nature Communications 8 771 (2017) . doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00815-x

  6. Dat Q. Tran, Oanh T.T. Nguyen, Chi H. Le, Nghia V. Nguyen, Long D. Pham and Chung V. Hoang, Early stage nucleation of ZnO nanorods by galvanic-cell-based approach, Materials Letters 230 (2018) 77–79.

  7. Anh Tan Ta, Van Nghia Nguyen, Thi Tu Oanh Nguyen, Ha Chi Le, Dinh Trong Le,Tran Chien Dang, Minh Tan Man, Si Hieu Nguyen, Duy Long Pham; Hydrothermal synthesis of Na4Mn9O18 nanowires for sodium ion batteries; Ceramics International 45 (2019) 17023–17028.

  8. Tran Chien Dang, Ha Chi Le, Duy Long Pham, Si Hieu Nguyen,Thi Tu Oanh Nguyen, Tien Thanh Nguyen, Tien Dai Nguyen; Synthesis of perovskite Cs2SnI6 film via the solution processed approach: First study on the photoelectrochemical water splitting application, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 805 (2019) 847-851.

  9. Thach Thi Dao Lien, Nguyen Tien Dai, Nguyen Tien Thanh, Pham Van Phuc, Nguyen Thi Tu Oanh, Pham Duy Long, Pham Van Hoi and Le Ha Chi; Tin fluoride assisted growth of air stable perovskite derivative Cs2SnI6 thin film as a hole transport layer, Materials Research Express 6 (2019) 116442.

  10. Tan A Ta, Hieu S Nguyen, Oanh T T Nguyen, Chien T Dang, Le A Hoang and Long D Pham, Crystalline structure and electrical conductivity of nickel substituted spinel lithium manganese oxide, Materials Research Express 6 (2019) 065505.

  11.  Tien Thanh Nguyen, Khac An Dao*, Thi Thuy Nguyen, Chung Dong Nguyen, Si Hieu Nguyen and Thi Mai Huong Nguyen; The influence of thermal annealing media on optical and electrical properties of FTO, ITO and TiO2 films; Journal of materials Transaction (Japan); Vol.61, No.11 issue, (2020). doi.MT-MN2019002

  12. Tien-Thanh Nguyen , Khac An Dao , Thi Tu Oanh Nguyen, Thi Dieu Thuy Ung, Duy Thien Nguyen , Si Hieu Nguyen; Unexpected impact of oxygen vacancies on photoelectrochemical performance of Au@TiO2 photoanodes; Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 127, (2021)105714,.

  1. Electron beam evaporation system
    • Vacuum: 10-4 ÷ 10-5 Torr
    • EB beam energy: 7keV
  1. Thermal evaporation system
    • Vacuum: 10-5 Torr
    • Substrate treatment - Glowdischarge
    • Current source: 100 A
  1. Potentiostat/galvanostat Metrohm Autolab PGSTAT30
    • Perform electrochemical method and impedance spectroscopy measurements
    • Voltage: ±10 V
    • Current range: 10 nA – 1 A
    • Frequency range: 1 mHz – 1 MHz

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