Laboratory of Materials and Engineering of Optical Fibers

09/11/2021 - 12:22 PM 637 views

Department Head
Dr. Vu Duc Chinh
  • Fundamental and applied research on nano and microphotonic materials and devices
  • Investigation, fabrication if SERS substrate based on porous sillicon, optical fiber for sensor probes in bio-chemistry, environment, food and biomedical
  • Research, fabirication chemical-physics properties of nanoscale carbon-noble metal composite materials, affecting to the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 and TiO2-SiO2   +84 705085540

  • Research, fabrication biochemical sensors using porous silicon photonic crystal structures and fiber-based sensors based on the surface-enhanced Raman scattring effect (SERS).
  • Research, fabricating biochemical sensors based on e-FBG fiber optic components integrated in fiber lasers (EDFLs).
  • Research, fabrication of optical fiber SERS substrate with the support of semiconductor laser device used in food protection products analysis.
  • The structure of photonic materials includes photonic nanomaterials and components used as optical sensors and communications.
  • Research, fabirication chemical-physics properties of nanoscale carbon-noble metal composite materials, affecting to the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 and TiO2-SiO2
Figure 1. Schematic of e-FBG gratting sensor integrated in fiber laser

Figure 2. (a) Wireless power transfer system and (b) metamaterial slab

Journal paper
  1. Vu Duc Chinh, Irene Bavasso, Luca Di Palma, Anna Candida Felici, Marco Scarsella, Giorgio Vilardi, Maria Paola Bracciale & Nguyen Thuy Van, “Enhancing the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 and TiO2–SiO2 by coupling with graphene–gold nanocomposites”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2021),

  2. Thuy Van Nguyen, Duc Chinh Vu, Van Hai Pham, Thanh Binh Pham, Van Hoi Pham, Huy Bui, “Improvement of SERS for detection of ultra-low concentration of methyl orange by nanostructured silicon decorated with Ag nanoparticles”, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 231 (2021) 166431.

  3. Huy Bui, Thuy Van Nguyen, Thanh Son Pham, Van Hoi Pham and Thanh Binh Pham “High enhancement factor of SERS probe based on silver nano-structures deposited on a silica microsphere by laser-assisted photochemical method”, Meas. Sci. Technol. 32 (2021) 025109 (6pp)

  4. Pham Nam ThangLe Xuan Hung, Dao Nguyen ThuanNguyen Hai Yen, Nguyen Thi Thuc Hien, Vu Thi Hong Hanh, Nguyen Cao Khang, Julien Laverdant & Pham Thu Nga, Temperature-dependent Raman investigation and photoluminescence of graphene quantum dots with and without nitrogen-doping, Journal of Materials Sciencevolume 56pages 4979–4990 (2021).

  5. T. T. Hoang, V. D. Pham, V. A. Nguyen, T. S. Pham, K. Q. Le, and Q. M. Ngo, “Numerical investigation of comb-like optical filters based on guided-mode resonances enabled in thick slab waveguide gratings,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 1317–1324, 2021.

  6. T. S. Pham, B. X. Khuyen, B. S. Tung, T. T. Hoang, V. D. Pham, Q. M. Ngo, and V. D. Lam, “Enhanced efficiency of asymmetric wireless power transmission using defects in 2D magnetic metamaterials,” J. Electron. Mater., vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 443–449, 2021.

  7. Thanh Binh Pham, Thuy Van Nguyen, Thi Hong Cam Hoang, Huy Bui, Thanh Son Pham, Van Phu Nguyen, and Van Hoi Pham, “Synthesis and deposition of Silver nanostructures on the silica microsphere by a laser-assisted photochemical method for SERS applications”, Photonics Letters of Poland, vol. 12 (4), 97-99 (2020).

  8. T. B. Pham, V. C. Nguyen, V. H. Pham, H. Bui, R. Coisson, V. H. Pham, and D. C. Vu, “Fabrication of Silver Nano-Dendrites on Optical Fibre Core by Laser-Induced Method for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Applications” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp.1928-1935 (2020).

  1. Pham Van Hoi, Bui Huy, Pham Thanh Binh, Nguyen Thuy Van, “Đầu dò cảm biến sử dụng cách tử Bragg trong sợi quang ăn mòn một phần (E-FBG) có phủ lớp chức năng để nâng cao độ chọn lọc tác nhân cần đo và sử dụng được nhiều lần”, Patent No: 28193 based on document No 5043w/QĐ-SHTT on March 30, 2021.

  2. Pham Thanh Binh, Pham Van Hoi, Bui Huy, Le Huu Thang, Nguyen Duc Binh, Pham Van Dai, “Đầu dò cảm biến cách tử Bragg trong sợi quang được chế tạo bằng cách ăn mòn hóa học”, Patent No: 20409 based on document No 47/QĐ-SHTT on January 02, 2019.


1. Specialized welding equipment for portable fiber optic small Fujikur 18S. Semiconductor laser sources (532nm, 650nm, 980nm, 1470nm…) and dedicated components for fiber optics (WDM, ISOLATOR, CIRCULATOR, FBG…), fiber optical amplifiers (EDFAs). Xenon light source, fiber optic probe (reflectance), portable spectrophotometer (USB 4000, Oceanoptics) is used to measure the reflectance and transmission spectrum in the wavelength range from 200-1100nm.

2. The parallel computing system includes 8 nodes x 2 CPUs x 4 cores. (a) Models, (b) Parallel simulation computational systems

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