Laboratory of Polymer and Composite Materials

09/11/2021 - 02:19 PM 378 views

Department Head
MSc. Nguyễn Việt Dũng
  • Application-oriented fundamental reasearch on polymer and composites materials.
  • Research on preparation polymer coating with outstanding properties such as long-life anti-corrosion protection coatings, fire protection coatings for steel structures, concrete structures, ducts, etc
  • Research on preparation polymer composite materials and rubber blend for structural materials, abrasion resistant materials, thermal conductive materials, etc
  • Treatment and modification of reinforcing fillers such as Nano-sized particles and mineral-derived substances for polymer composite materials.   +84 9140 35533

  • Successfully researched and manufactured fireproof paint for steel structures meeting the standards: TCVN 9311-1: 2012; ISO 834-10; ASTM E119 and BS 476, in line with National Technical Regulation QC06 / 2020. Time of fire resistance protection is from 30 to 120 minutes.
  • Researching and manufacturing anti-corrosion coating systems for steel structures working in humid and highly aggressive environments
  • Technology for surface treatment and application of micro and Nano-sized materials, especially mineral-derived substances, for polymer composite materials.
  • The results of in-depth research on fabricating technology of engineering polymeric materials such as rubber with high abrasion resistance, conductive rubber, thermally conductive polymer, technical coating systems, etc.
 Figure 1. Application of fireproof paint products for steel structures and concrete structures
  1.  Olivia Kukackova , Nguyen Viet Dung, Sabina Abbrent, Martina Urbanova, Jiri Kotek, Jiri Brus. A novel insight into the origin of toughness in polypropylene calcium carbonate microcomposites: Multivariate analysis of ss-NMR spectra. Polymer 132, 106-113, 2017.
  2. Angela Dumas, François Martin, The Ngo Ke, Hanh Nguyen Van, Dung Nguyen Viet, Vinh Nguyen Tat, Nam Kieu Quy, Pierre Micoud and Philippe de Parseval, The crystal-chemistry of Vietnamese talcs from the Thanh Son district (Phu Tho province, Vietnam), Clay Minerals, 50, 607-617, 2015.
  3. Nguyen Viet Dung, Ngo Ke The, Nguyen Van Thuy, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Tu, Tran Thu Trang, Pham Thi Lanh. Effect of talc mineral content and phase interaction on mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of polypropylene-based composites. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 32(4), 77-82,2016.
  4. Nguyen Viet Dung, Ngo Ke The, Jiri Kotek, Effect of interfacial adhesion on deformation and fracture behaviour of composites based on polypropylene and galss beads, Journal of Science and Technology, 54(1A), 300-307, 2016.
  5. Nguyen Viet Dung, Ngo Ke The, Jiri Kotek, A solid-state NMR study of molecular mobility and resulting deformation and fracture behaviour of glass beads filled polypropylene composites, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 53(6e4), 240-244, December 2015.
  6. Nguyen Viet Dung, Ngo Ke The and Jiri Kotek. Effect of particle size and fatty surface treatment of calcium carbonate on the deformation and fracture behaviour of polypropylene-based composites. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 53 (2e1), 26-30, 2015.

1. Mesurement machine/equipment::
  • A universal testing machine (tensile, compression, bending properties), 1 kN and 20 kN force.
  • Instrument system for evaluating paint film properties, Sheen (United Kingdom): Pendulum hardness tester, impact strength, adhesion, defect measurement, flexural strength.
  • Gauges for measuring material thickness on magnetic and non-magnetic substrates.
  • Shore A Hardness meter .
2. Fabricating machine
  • Laboratory Two Roll Rubber and plastic Mill (Japan).
  • Hydraulic Press Machine (Japan)
  • Mixers: 2 Z-axis laboratory scale mixers and pilot scale .
  • Ball Mill
  • Basket Mill.
  • Laboratory scale and pilot scale high speed stirrer.
  • Experimental furnace up to 1200ºC (Nabertherm, Germany).
  • Gas furnace for testing flame retardant materials, maximum temperature up to 1200ºC.
  • Memmert oven (Germany)
  • Buchi vacuum rotary evaporator (Switzerland).

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