Laboratory of Semiconductor Laser

09/11/2021 - 12:53 PM 275 views

Department Head
Assoc. Prof. Trần Quốc Tiến
  • Study on Physics, Technology and Application of Optoelectronics and Photonic structures, devices and components
  • Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training on the research fields
  • Domestic and International Collaboration on Research and Developments of related research fields
  • Characterization of optoelectronic and photonic structures (micro-nano scale) and devices
  • Application of LEDs/Laser diodes, photodetectors and other emitting sources for lighting technology
  • Development of optical and spectroscopic based apparatus for scientific instrumentation   +84 90 4762 255

1. Development of direct laser writing system to fabricate micro-nanostructures on polymer materials and metal thin films

     Direct Laser Writing system

  • Shift resolution: 1 nm,
  • XYZ Piezo Linear Stage (nano-positioning): Travel Range: 300 μm, Open Loop Resolution: 1 nm
  • Laser wavelength @ 532 nm with optical power of 300 mW.
  • Automatic cyclical control.
  • Structural resolution in horizontal axis 200 nm, vertical axis 700 nm.
  • Applications to develop plasmonic micro-nanostructures
Figure 1. Direct Laser Writing (DLW) system for realization of the desired plasmonic micro-nanostructures

2. Development of laser/ LEDs Equipment for Therapy

     a. LED therapy equipment with Four wavelength regions
  • Wavelength regions: 430 nm/520 nm/590 nm/630 nm
  • LED electrical power (max): 84 W
  • LED optical power (max): 16.5 W
  • Average power density: 2 ÷ 50 mW/cm2
  • Output: Optical Cable 

Figure 2. Multi-Wavelengths LED Therapy Equipment

     b. Multi-Channels Laser Therapy Equipment
  • High power diode laser module therapy device using 04 diode lasers (02 lasers at λ = 670 nm and 02 lasers at λ = 940 nm (Red and near infrared regions)
  • Output optical power at the end of the optical fibers: Pmax > 300 mW (λ = 670 nm) and Pmax > 1W (λ = 940 nm).
3. Research and development of lighting systems for biology technology and agriculture applications

   a. Lighting solutions and related equipment based on LED for energy saving and highly efficient in chrysanthemum production
  • Development of LED lighting systems having an uniform illumination (> 86%) and a reasonable price for production the flowering chrysanthemum, replacing traditional lamps (incandescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps). The system consumes   less more than ten times of electricity energy in comparison with traditional lamps. It could improve the quality and efficiency of chrysanthemum production.

Figure 3: The proposed optical fiber daylighting in combination with LEDs systems installing in the roof of plant tissue room: The LED system operates automatically to compensate the variation of the natural light to keep the plant tissue culture room at a constant illumination for optimal growth of plants. At the same time, it is possible to set the lighting intensity and time illumination by the pre-determined setting.

    b. Solar/LED lighting system for plant tissue cultivation and indoor farming
  • The proposed optical daylighting system in combination with LEDs is developed for plant tissue cultivations. In which the daylighting system rotates automatically in two directions to collect optical sunlight by supporting of the sensor sun-tracking mechanism. In order to keep a constant illumination, a lighting control system based on LEDs to compensate the variation of the natural light is used. The prototype in the indoor farm demonstrates that energy saving can reach to 54.3% in sunny day and 38.9% in cloudy day. Our preliminary results for utilizing in vitro propagation of Phalaennopsis and Anoectochilus roxburghii showed the potential of this system for saving input energy during plant tissue culture procedures.
  1. D. T. Vu, H. Vu, S. Shin, T. Q. Tien, N. H. Vu, “New mechanism of a daylighting system using optical-fiber-less design for illumination in multi-storey building”, Solar Energy, Vol. 225, 412-426 (2021). (SCIE).

  2. T. N. Vu, T. Q. Tien, B. Sumpf, A. Klehr, J. Fricke, H. Wenzel and G. Tränkle, “16.3 W Peak-Power Pulsed All-Diode Laser Based Multi-Wavelength Master-Oscillator Power-Amplifier System at 964 nm”, Appl. Sci. 11 (18), 8608 (2021). (SCIE).

  3. H. Vu, N. M. Kieu, D. T. Gam, S. Shin, T. Q. Tien, N. H. Vu, “Design and Evaluation of Uniform LED Illumination Based on Double Linear Fresnel Lenses”, Appl. Sci. 10(9), 3257, (2020).

  4. D. T. Giang, T. S. Pham, Q. M. Ngo, V. T. Nguyen, T. Q. Tien, and P. H. Duong “An Alternative Approach for High Uniformity Distribution of Indoor Lighting LED” IEEE Photonics Journal PP(99), 1-1 (2020).

  5. M. Fei, P. T. Nhung, N. B. Minh, L. Zhen, A. T. Huong, N. D. T. Trang, T. Q. Cong, P. T. Lien, N. T. Huong, T. Q. Tien, L. N. Diep, “One-photon absorption based direct laser writing for fabrication of multi-dimensional photonic and plasmonic nanostructures”, Inter. Jour. of Nanotech., Vol. 17 No.7/8/9/10, pp.550 - 559 (2020).

  6. D. T. Giang, T. L. La, T. Q. Tien, P. H. Duong, Q. C. Tong, A Simple Designed Lens for Human Centric Lighting Using LEDs, Appl. Sci. 10 (1), 343 (2020).

  7. V. Hoang, H. N. Manh, T. Q. Tien, V. N. Hai, P. Jongbin, S. Seoyong, “Elimination of Heat Problem in POF-based Daylighting Systems”. Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers (KIIEE), Vol.34, No.8, p.8-14 (2020). ISSN (print): 1229-4691, ISSN (online): 2287-5034.

  8. V. T. Nghiem; T. Q. Tien, T. Q. Cong, N. M. Hieu, K. N. Minh, V. N. Hai, V. Hoang, S. Shin, “Development of a solar/LED lighting system for a plant tissue culture room”, J. Viet. Environ. 12(2), p.142-147, (2020).

  9. T-P Nguyen, T. Q. Tien, Q. C. Tong and N. D. Lai, “An Optimization of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals at Low Refractive Index Material, Crystals 9 (9), 442 (2019).

  10. B. SumpfJ. FrickeA. GinolasA. MaaßdorfM. MaiwaldA. MüllerM. TawfieqL. S. TheurerT. N. Vu, and H. Wenzel, "Tunable Y-branch dual-wavelength diode lasers in the VIS and NIR range for sensor applications", Proc. SPIE 10939, Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers XVIII, 1093913 (2019).

  11. T-P Nguyen, H. Wenzel, O. Brox, F. Bugge, P. Ressel, M. Schiemangk, A. Wicht, T. Q. Tien and G. Tränkle, “Spectral Linewidth vs. Front Facet Reflectivity of 780 nm DFB Diode Lasers at High Optical Output Power”, Appl. Sci. 8 (7), 1104 (2018).

  12. Q. C. Tong, F. Mao, M. H. Luong, M. T. Do, R. Ghasemi, T. Q. Tien, D. T. Nguyen, N. D. Lai, “Arbitrary Form Plasmonic Structures: Optical Realization, Numerical Analysis and Demonstration Applications”, In Plasmonics, Intech Open, ISBN 978-953-51-0685-2, (2018).

  13. Mao, F., Davis, A., Tong, Q. C., Luong, M. H., Nguyen, C. T., Ledoux-Rak, I., & Lai, N. D., “Direct Laser Writing of Gold Nanostructures: Application to Data Storage and Color Nanoprinting”. Plasmonics, 1-7, (2018).

  14. Tong Q. C., Luong M. H., Tran T. M., Remmel J., Do M. T., Kieu D. M., Lai N. D. “Realization of desired plasmonic structures via a direct laser writing technique”, Journ. of Electron. Mater. 46(6), 3695-3701, (2017).

  15. Tong, Q. C., Luong, M. H., Remmel, J., Do, M. T., Nguyen, D. T. T., Lai, N. D, “Rapid direct laser writing of desired plasmonic nanostructures”, Opt. Lett., Vol. 42, No 12, p. 2382-2385. (2017).

  16. Tong Q. C., Nguyen D. T. T., Do M. T., Luong M. H., Journet B., Ledoux-Rak I., Lai N. D, “Direct laser writing of polymeric nanostructures via optically induced local thermal effect”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108(18), 183104, (2016).


1. Direct Laser Writing systems

2. WF30 Laser Welding Machine (WF30 Laser Welding M) (HansLaser)

3. Melles Griot 6-Axis NanoMax-HS 17 MAX 605/L Device Alignment Stages

4. Stemi 2000 C Stereo Microscope (Carl Zeiss)

5. Melles Grriot Optical Table

6. Fitel S199 fusion splicer

7. Measuring devices for semiconductor lasers (MELLES Griot 13PEM001 Broadband Power Energy Meter, Melles Griot 06DLD201 Diode Laser Driver...)

8. ITC4005 - Benchtop Laser Diode/TEC Controller

9. HR4000, HR2000+ Spectrometer (Ocean Optics)

10. 842-PE - Newport Optical Power Meters

11. Integrating Sphere Detector 6"

12. CNC Milling Cutting Engraving Machine 3040 (XYZ Working Area 400 x 300 x 110mm, Resolution: 0.02 mm).


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