Năm 2017

Công bố trên tạp chí SCIE năm 2017
30/10/2021 - 04:17 PM 1.065 lượt xem

1. A coexistence of short- and long-range ferromagnetic interactions in La1-xKxMnO3 compounds, Yikyung Yu, Dinh Chi Linh, Tran Dang Thanh, Pham Ngoc Dan, Nguyen Van Dang, Hong-Guang Piao, and Daniel M. Tartakovsy, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53, 8204804 (2017).

2. A DFT investigation on geometry and chemical bonding of isoelectronic Si8N6V-, Si8N6Cr, and Si8N6Mn+ clusters, N. M. Tam, H. T. Pham, N. T. Cuong, and N. T. Tung, Chemical Physics Letters 685, 410 (2017).

3. A novel insight into the origin of toughness in polypropyleneecalcium carbonate microcomposites: Multivariate analysis of ss-NMR spectra, Olivia Kukackova, Nguyen Viet Dung, Sabina Abbrent, Martina Urbanova, Jiri Kotek, Jiri Brus, Polymer 132, 106 (2017).

4. A novel method for preparation of molybdenum disulfide/graphene composite, Minh N. Dang, Thi Dieu Thuy Ung, Hong N. Phan, Quang Duc Truong, Thang H. Bui, Minh N. Phan, Liem Quang Nguyen, Phong D. Tran
Materials Letters 194, 145 (2017).

5. A theoretical investigation on SinMn2+ clusters (n=1-10): Geometry, stability, and magnetic properties, N. T. Mai, N. T. Tung, P. T. Thuy, N. T. M. Hue, and N. T. Cuong, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1117, 124 (2017).

6. An Approach for Preparing High-Performance MnBi Alloys and Magnets, Vuong Van Nguyen and Truong Xuan Nguyen, Journal of Electroceramics 46, 3333-3340 (2017).

7. Assessing Interparticle Spatial Characteristics of DNA-Linked Core−Shell Nanoparticles with or without Magnetic Cores in Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, Zakiya Skeete, Han-Wen Cheng, Jing Li, Christian Salazar, Winny Sun, Quang Minh Ngo, Liqin Lin, Jin Luo, and Chuan-Jian Zhong, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 15767 (2017).

8. Au19M(M=Cr, Mn, and Fe) as magnetic copies of golden pyramid, Nguyen Minh Tam, Ngo Tuan Cuong, Hung Tan Pham, Nguyen Thanh Tung, Scientific Reports 7, 16086 (2017).

9. Broadening the absorption bandwidth of metamaterial absorber by coupling three dipole resonances, Vu Dinh Quy, Le Dinh Hai, Dinh Hong Tiep, Le Dac Tuyen and Vu Dinh Lam, Physica B 532, 90 (2018).

10. Computer Simulations of Contributions of Néel and Brown Relaxation to Specific Loss Power of Magnetic Fluids in Hyperthermia, Pham Thanh Phong, Luu Huu Nguyen, Do Hung Manh, In-Ja Lee, Nguyen Xuan Phuc
Journal of Electronic Materials 46, 2393 (2017).

11. Controllable synthesis and visible-active photocatalytic properties of Au nanoparticles decorated urchin-like ZnO nanostructures, Chi H. Le, Oanh T. T. Nguyen, Hieu S. Nguyen, Long D. Pham and Chung V. Hoang
Current Applied Physics 17, 1506 (2017).

12. Critical behavior near the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transformation in the austenite phase of Ni43Mn46Sn8X3 (X = In and Cr) Heusler alloys, W.Z. Nan, Tran Dang Thanh, G. Nam, T.S. You, H.G. Piao, L.Q. Pan, S.C. Yu, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 443, 171-178 (2017).

13. Critical properties around the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic phase transition in La0.7Ca0.3-xAxMnO3 compounds (A = Sr, Ba and x = 0, 0.15, 0.3), Dinh Chi Linh, Tran Dang Thanh, Le Hai Anh, Van Duong Dao, Hong-Guang Piao, Seong-Cho Yu, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 725, 484-495 (2017).

14. Crystallization of Amorphous Molybdenum Sulfide Induced by Electron or Laser Beam and Its Effect on H2‑Evolving Activities, Duc N. Nguyen, Linh N. Nguyen, Phuc D. Nguyen, Thu V. Tran, Anh D. Nguyen, Phong D. Tran, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, 28789-28794 (2017).

15. Dual-Band Perfect Absorption by Breaking the Symmetry of Metamaterial Structure, Hai, L.D, Qui, V.D., Dinh, Hai. P, Giang, T.T, Cuong. T.M., Tung, B.S, Lam, V.D, Journal of Electronic Materials 46, 3757 (2017).

16. Effect of difference vanadium sources on the electrochemical performance of sodium vanadium phosphate cathode for sodium ion batteries,I Ming Hung. Smuel Jafian, Nguyen Van Nghia, Duy Long Pham, Ceramic International 43, 8655 (2017).

17. Effect of Zn/Cd Molar Ratio on Characteristics of Homogeneously Alloyed ZnxCd1 xS Nanocrystals, HOANG THI LAN HUONG, NGUYEN DINH CONG, NGUYEN XUAN NGHIA, and NGUYEN THI THUY LIEU, Journal of Electronic Materials 46 (6), 3558 (2017).

18. Effects of microstructures on the performance of rare-earth-free MnBi magnetic materials and magnets,
Vuong Van Nguyen, Truong Xuan Nguyen, Physica B (2017).http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2017.06.018.

19. Elaboration of Pd-nanoparticle decorated polyaniline films for room temperature NH3 gas sensors, Hoang Thi Hien, Ho Truong Giang, Nguyen Van Hieu, Tran Trung and Chu Van Tuan, Sensors and Actuators B 249, 348-356 (2017).

20. Electrochemical Performance of a V2O5 cathode  for sodium batteries, Nguyen Van Nghia, Pham Duy Long, Ta Anh Tan, Samuel Jafian, I Ming Hung, Journal of Electronic Materials 46, 3689 (2017).

21. Enhanced fluorescence properties of type-I and type-II CdTe/CdS quantum dots using porous silver membrane, Ung Thi Dieu Thuy, Weon-Sik Chae, Won-Geun Yang, Nguyen Quang Liem, Optical Materials 66, 611-615 (2017).

22. Enhancement of exchange coupling interaction of NdFeB/MnBi hybrid magnets, Truong Xuan Nguyena, Khanh Van Nguyen, Vuong Van Nguyen, Physica B (2017). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2017.06.018.

23. Enhancement of spin Hall effect induced torques for current-driven magnetic domain wall motion: Inner interface effect, Do Bang, Jiawei Yu, Xuepeng Qiu, Yi Wang, Hiroyuki Awano, Aurelien Manchon, Hyunsoo Yang
Physical Review B 93, 174424 (2017).

24. Environmentally benign green composites based on epoxy resin/bacterial cellulose reinforced glass fiber: Fabrication and mechanical characteristics, Cuong Manh Vu, Dinh Duc Nguyen, Le Hoang Sinh, Tien Duc Pham, Lanh Thi Pham, Hyoung Jin Choi, Polymer Testing 61, 150 (2017).

25. Facile Fabrication and Properties of Gd2O3:Eu 3+,Y2O3:Eu3+ Nanophosphors and Gd2O3:Eu3+/Silica, Y2O3:Eu3+/Silica, Nanocomposites, Tran Kim Anh, Pham Thi Minh Chau, Nguyen Thi Quy Hai, Vu Thi Thai Ha, Ho Van Tuyen, Sengthong Bounyavong, Nguyen Trong Thanh, and Le Quoc Minh, Journal of Electronic Materials (2017). DOI: 10.1007/s11664-017-5816-y

26. Ferromagnetic order of Amorphous Fe-Ni-Zr Alloy Ribbons at Magnetic Field Below 10 kOe, Tran Dang Thanh, N. H. Dan, N. H. Duc, T. L. Phan, V. H. Ky, Jong Suk Lee and Seong-Cho Yu, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 30, 3333 (2017).

27. Formation of GeO2 complex composed nanostructures by the vapor liquid solid method, Nguyen Tien Dai, Kim Eui-Tae, Kim Jun Oh, Lee Sang Jun, Hoang Van Vuong, Dao Khac An, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 28 (13) 9338 (2017).

28. Free-floating magnetic microstructures by mask photolithography, Au, Thi Huong, Duc Thien Trinh, Danh Bich Do, Dang Phu Nguyen, Quang Cong Tong, and Ngoc Diep Lai, Physica B (2017). doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2017.03.032

29. Griffiths-like phase, critical behavior near the paramagneticferromagnetic phase transition and magnetic entropy change of nanocrystalline La0.75Ca0.25MnO3, P.T. Phong, L.T.T. Ngan, N.V. Dang, L.H. Nguyen, P.H. Nam, D.M. Thuy, N.D. Tuan, L.V. Bau, I. Lee, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 449, 558–566 (2017).

30. High Magnetisation, Monodisperse and Water-dispersible CoFe@Pt Core/shell Nanoparticles, Ngo T. Dung, Nguyen V. Long, Le T. T. Tam, Pham H. Nam, Le D. Tunge, Nguyen X. Phuc, Le T. Lua, and Nguyen T. K. Thanh,
Nanoscale 9 (26) 8893–9248, (2017).

31. Hybrid semiconductor-dielectric metamaterial modulation for switchable bidirectional THz absorbers, L. N. Le, N. M. Thang, L. M. Thuy, and N. T. Tung, Optics Communications 383, 244 (2017).

32. Influence of Ca Substitution on Piezoelectric Properties of Ba1−x CaxTiO, Van Khien Nguyen, Thi Hong Phong Le, Thi Kim Chi Tran, Van Chuong Truong, Trong Huy Than & Van Hong Le, Journal of Electronic Materials 46, 603 (2017).

33. Influence of Nitrogen Gas Flow on the Hardness and the Tribological Properties of a TiAlBN Coating Deposited by Using a Magnetron  Sputtering Process, Van Duong Luong, Doan Dinh Phuong, Phan Ngoc Minh, Kyoung Il Moon, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 10, 929 (2017).

34. Interlayer Interaction Effects on the G Modes in Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes With Different Electronic Configurations, Dmitry I. Levshov, Huy-Nam Tran, Thiery Michel, Thi Thanh Cao, Van Chuc Nguyen, Raul Arenal, Valentin N. Popov, Jean-Loui Sauvajol, Ahmed-Azmi Zahab, Matthieu Paillet, Physica Status Solidi B 1700 (2017).

35. Interplay of hot electrons from localized and propagating plasmons, Chung V. Hoang, Koki Hayashi, Yasuo Ito, Naoki Gorai, Giles Allison, Xu Shi, Quan Sun, Zhenzhou Cheng, Kosei Ueno, Keisuke Goda and Hiroaki Misawa, Nature Communications 8, 771 (2017).

36. Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Tunable Size Synthesis and Analysis in Terms of the Core–Shell Structure and Mixed Coercive Model, P.T. Phong, V.T.K. Oanh, T.D. Lam, N.X. Phuc, L.D. Tung, Nguyen.T.K. Thanh and D.H. Manh, Journal of Electronic Materials 46, 2533 (2017).

37. Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Ni-Ag-Mn-Sn ribbons and their composites, Tran Dang Thanh, Nguyen Huu Duc, Nguyen Huy Dan, N.T. Mai, T.L. Phan, S.K. Oh, Seong-Cho Yu, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 696, 1129-1138 (2017).

38. Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of selected Pb-doped manganites, P. T. Phong, L. T. Duy, L. V. Bau, N. V. Dang, D. H. Manh, In-Ja Lee, Journal of Electroceramics 36, 58 (2017).

39. Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of Zn1-xCoxFe2O4 Nanoparticles, T.L. Phan, N. Tran, D.H. Kim, N.T. Dang, D.H. Manh, T.N. Bach, C.L. Liu, and B.W. Lee, Journal of Electronic Materials 46 (7), 4214 (2017).

40. Magnetic field effect on pentacene-doped sexithiophene diodes, Song-Toan Pham, Marine Fayolle, Tatsuhiko Ohto, and Hirokazu Tada, Applied Physics Letters 111, 203303 (2017).

41. Magnetic Field-Dependent Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in [(GeTe)2(Sb2Te3)1]8 Topological Superlattice, Do Bang, Hiroyuki Awano, Junji Tominaga, Yuta Saito, Journal of Electronic Materials 45 (5), 2496 (2017).

42. Magnetoresistance effect in La1.5Sr0.5NiO4-doped La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 nanocomposites, Tran Dang Thanh, Hoang Thanh Van. Jong Suk Lee, Seong-Cho Yu, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 30, 789–793 (2017).

43. Measurement of magnetocaloric effect in pulsed magnetic fields with the help of infrared fiber optical temperature sensor, Alexander P. Kamantsev, Victor V. Koledov, Alexey V. Mashirov, Vladimir G. shavrov, N. H. Yen, P. T. Thanh, V. M. Quang, N. H. Dan, Anton S. Los, Andrzej Gilewski, Irina S. Tereshina, Leonid N. Butvina, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 440, 70 (2017).

44. Microwave absorption properties of (100−x)La1.5Sr0.5NiO4/xNiFe2O4 nanocomposites, T.N. Bach, C.T.A. Xuan, N.T.H. Le, D.H. Manh, D.N.H. Nam, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 695, 1658-1662 (2017).

45. Miniaturization for ultrathin metamaterial perfect absorber in the VHF band, Bui Xuan Khuyen, Bui Son Tung, Young Joon Yoo, Young Ju Kim, Ki Won Kim, Liang-Yao Chen, Vu Dinh Lam & YoungPak Lee, Scientific Reports 745151 (2017).

46. Mn0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanoparticles with high intrinsic loss power for hyperthermia therapy, P.T. Phong, P.H. Nam, D.H. Manh, In-Ja Lee, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 433, 76 (2017).

47. Oriented ZnO nanostructures and their application in photocatalytic, Minh Tan Man, Ji-Hee Kim, Mun Seok Jeong, Anh-Thu Thi Do, Hong Seok Lee, Journal of Luminescence 185, 17–22 (2017).

48. Photochemical Decoration of Silver Nanocrystals on Magnetic MnFe2O4 Nanoparticles and Their Applications in Antibacterial Agents and SERS-Based Detection, LE THANH HUY, LE THI TAM, TRAN VAN SON, MAN HOAI NAM, LE KHANH VINH, TRAN QUANG HUY, DUC-THE NGO, VU NGOC PHAN, ANH-TUAN LE, Journal of Electronic Materials 46, 3412-3421 (2017).

49. Photoluminescence from an individual double-walled carbon nanotube, Dmitry I. Levshov, Romain Parret, Huy-Nam Tran, Thierry Michel, Thi Thanh Cao, Van Chuc Nguyen, Raul Arenal, Valentin N. Popov, Sergei B. Rochal, Jean-Louis Sauvajol, Ahmed-Azmi Zahab, Matthieu Paillet, Physical Review B 96, 19541 (2017).

50. Plasmonic Effect Enhanced Photocurrent in Nanostructure TiO2 Film Decorated with Gold Nanoparticles, Pham Duy Long, Dang Tran Chien, Nguyen Thanh Trung, Nguyen Si Hieu, Le Ha Chi, Vu Van Cat, Vu Dinh Lam, Journal of Electronic Materials 46, 4448 (2017).

51. Polarization-independent, widein cident-angle and dual-band perfect absorption, based on near-field coupling in asymmetric metamaterial, Bui Son Tung, Bui Xuan Khuyen, Young Ju Kim, Vu Dinh Lam, Ki Won Kim, YoungPak Le, Scientific Reports 7(2017). DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-11824-7

52. Preparation and Magnetic Properties of MnBi/Co Nanocomposite Magnets, Truong Xuan Nguyen, Oanh Kim Thi Vuong, Hieu Trung Nguyen, Vuong Van Nguyen, Journal of Electronic Materials 44(6), 3359-3366 (2017).

53. Preparation and physical characteristics of epoxy resin/bacterial cellulose nanocomposites, Sinh Le Hoang, Cuong Manh Vu, Lanh Thi Pham, Hyoung Jin Choi, Polymer Bulletin 1 (2017).

54. Production of photonic nanojets by using pupil-masked 3D dielectric cuboil, Hai, L.D, Qui, V.D., Dinh, Hai. P, Giang, T.T, Cuong. T.M., Tung, B.S, Lam, V.D, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50, 175102 (2017).

55. Rapid direct laser writing of desired plasmonic nanostructures, Tong, Quang Cong, Mai Hoang Luong, Jacqueline Remmel, Minh Thanh Do, Dam Thuy Trang Nguyen, and Ngoc Diep Lai, Optics Letters 42 (12) 2382-2385 (2017).

56. Realization of Desired Plasmonic Structures via a Direct Laser Writing Technique., Tong, Quang Cong, Mai Hoang Luong, Thi Mo Tran, Jacqueline Remmel, Minh Thanh Do, Duy Manh Kieu, Rasta Ghasemi, Duc Tho Nguyen, and Ngoc Diep Lai., Journal of Electronic Materials 46, 3695-3701 (2017).

57. Re-creation of single phase, and improvement of magnetic property of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles versus heat treatment, N.Tran, D.H.Kim, T.L.Phan, N.T.Dang, T.N.Bach, D.H.Manh, B.W.Lee, Physica B (2017).

58. Schottky contacts of (Au, Pt)/nanotube-titanates for fast response to NO2 gas at room temperature
Do Thi Thu, Hoang Thi Hien, Do Thi Anh Thu, Pham Quang Ngan, Giang Hong Thai, Chu Van Tuan, Tran Trung and Ho Truong Giang, Sensors and Actuators B 244, 941-948 (2017).

59. Structure and magnetic properties of Fe-Co nanoparticles prepared by polyol method, Nguyen Mau Lam, Tran Minh Thi, Pham Thi Thanh, Nguyen Hai Yen, Nguyen Huy Dan, Physica B (2017).

60. Structure, Magnetic, and Electrical Properties of La2NiO4+ Compounds, Tran Dang Thanh, H. T. Van, D. T. A. Thu, L. V. Bau, Nguyen Van Dang, D. N. H. Nam, L. V. Hong and Seong-Cho Yu, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 53, 8204904 (2017).

61. Study of critical behavior using the field dependence of magnetic entropy change in La0.7Sr0.3Mn1-xCuxO3 (x = 0.02 and 0.04), P.T.Phong, L.T.T.Ngan, L.V.Bau, P. H.Nam, P.H.Linh, N.V.Dang, In Ja Lee, Ceramic International 43, 16859 (2017).

62. Study of specific loss power of magnetic fluids with various viscosities, P.T. Phong, L.H. Nguyen, L.T.H. Phong, P.H. Nam, D.H. Manh, I.–J. Lee, N.X. Phuc, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 428, 36-42 (2017).

63. Sub-10nm, high density titania nanoforests - gold nanoparticles composite for efficient sunlight-driven photocatalytic, Viet V. Tran, Oanh T. T. Nguyen, Chi H. Le, Tuan A. Phan, Ban V. Hoang, Thang D. Dao, Tadaaki Nagao and Chung V. Hoang, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56, 95001 (2017).

64. Surface Functinalization of WO3 Thin Films with (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane and Succinic Anhydride
Thi Kieu Hanh Ta, Thi Nhu Hoa Tran, Quang Minh Nhat Tran, Duy Phong Pham, Kim Ngoc Pham, Thi Thanh Cao, Yong Soo Kim, Dai Lam Tran, Heongkyu Ju, Bach Thang Phan, Journal of Electronic Materials 46, 3345 (2017).

65. Synthesis of Cu3.21Bi4.79S9 bismuth chalcogenide by mechanical alloying, M.C. Barma, B.D. Long, M.F.M. Sabri, S. Ramesh, R.Saidur, S.M.Said, K.Kimura, N.H.Hai, T.D.Huy, T.B. Trung, Powder technology 294, 348-352 (2017).

66. Synthesis of Silver Nanodendrites on Silicon and Its Application for the Trace Detection of Pyridaben Pesticide Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Luong Truc Quynh Ngan, Kieu Ngoc Minh, Dao Tran Cao, Cao Tuan Anh and Le Van Vu, Journal of Electronic Materials 46, 3770 (2017).

67. Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Up-Conversion Luminescence Properties of NaYF4:Er3+, Yb3+@MOFs Nanocomposites, L. T. K. Giang, L. Marciniak, T. Q. Huy, N. Vu, N. T. H. Le, N. T. Binh, T. D. Lam, and L. Q. Minh, Journal of Electronic Materials 46, 6063 (2017).

68. The size effect on the energy transfer in Bi3+-Eu3+ co-doped GdVO4, K. Lenczewska, Y. Gerasymchuk, N. Vu, N.Q. Liem, G. Boulon and D. Hreniak, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5, 3014 (2017).

69. Tunable magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of off-stoichiometric LaMnO3 nanoparticles, P.S. Tola, H.S. Kim, D.H. Kim, T.L. Phan, J.S. Rhyee, W.H. Shon, D.S. Yang, D.H. Manh, B.W. Lee, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 111, 217 (2017).

70.  Broadband metamaterial perfect absorber obtained by coupling effect, Hong Luu Dang, Van Cuong Nguyen, Dinh Hai Le, Hoang Tung Nguyen, Manh Cuong Tran, Dac Tuyen Le, and Dinh Lam Vu, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 26, 1750036 (2017).

71. Characteristics of the Fiber Laser Sensor System Based on Etched-Bragg Grating Sensing Probe for Determination of the Low Nitrate Concentration in Water, Thanh Binh Pham, Huy Bui, Huu Thang Le and Van Hoi Pham, Sensors 17, 1 (2017).

72. Correlation between photoluminescence spectra with gas sensing and photocatalytic activities in hierarchical ZnO nanostructures, Do Thi Anh Thu, Ho Truong Giang, Do Van Huong, Pham Quang Ngan, Giang Hong Thai, Do Thi Thu and Tran Dai Lam, RSC Advances 7, 9826-9832 (2017).

73. Design, Modeling, and Numerical Characteristics of the Plasmonic Dipole Nano-Antennas for Maximum Field Enhancement, Thi Thanh Kieu Nguyen, Quang Minh Ngo, and Truong Khang Nguyen, Applied computational electromagnetics society journal 32, 634 (2017).

74. Direct Laser Writing of Magneto-Photonic Sub-Microstructures for Prospective Applications in Biomedical Engineering, Au, Thi Huong, Duc Thien Trinh, Quang Cong Tong, Danh Bich Do, Dang Phu Nguyen, Manh-Huong Phan, and Ngoc Diep Lai, Nanomaterials 7, 105 (2017).

75. Dynamics of polystyrene beads linking to DNA molecules under single optical tweezers: A numerical study using full normalized Langevin equation, T. D. Trung, B. X. Kien, N. T. Tung, and H. Q. Quy, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 25, 1650054 (2017).

76. Effect of organic solvents on the properties of DWCNT/PEDOT:PSS transparent conductive films, Van Trinh Pham, Thi Thanh Cao, Ngoc Hong Phan, Duy Long Pham, Ngoc Minh Phan and Van Chuc Nguyen, Materials Research Express 4, 5504 (2017).

77.  Effect of Sintering Temperature on Properties of CNT/Al Composite Prepared by Capsule-Free Hot Isostatic Pressing Technique, Pham Van Trinh, Nguyen Van Luan, Phan Ngoc Minh, Doan Dinh Phuong, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 70, 947 (2017).

78. Effect of Surface Morphology and Dispersion Media on the Properties of PEDOT:PSS/n-Si Hybrid Solar Cell Containing Functionalized Graphene, Pham Van Trinh, Phan Ngoc Hong, Bui Hung Thang, Nguyen Tuan Hong, Nguyen Van Chuc and Phan Ngoc Minh, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering2017, 62056 (2017).

79.  Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Nanotubes with Acid Treatments, Thi Ngoc Tu Le, Dac Ngoc Son Luu, Quang Minh Ngo, and Thi Hanh Thu Vu, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology17, 9192 (2017).

80. Enhanced thermal conductivity of nanofluid-based ethylene glycol containing Cu nanoparticles decorated on a Gr–MWCNT hybrid material, Pham Van Trinh, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Bui Hung Thang, Le Dinh Quang, Phan Ngoc Minh and Phan Ngoc Hong, RSC Advances 7, 318 (2017).

81. Influence of defects induced by chemical treatment on the electrical and thermal conductivity of nanofluids containing carboxyl-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Pham Van Trinh, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Nguyen Trong Tam, Nguyen Tuan Hong, Phan Ngoc Hong, Phan Ngoc Minh and Bui Hung Thang, RSC Advances 7, 49937 (2017).

82. Near-infrared emitting CdTeSe alloyed quantum dots: Raman scattering, photoluminescence and single-emitter optical properties, Le Xuan Hung, Pascal D. Bassène, Pham Nam Thang, Nguyễn Thu Loan, Willy Daney de Marcillac, Amit Raj Dhawan, Fu Feng, Juan U. Esparza-Villa, Nguyen Thi Thuc Hien, Nguyen Quang Liem, Laurent Coolen, Pham Thu Nga, RSC Advances 7, 47966 (2017).

83. Temperature dependence of magneto-optical Kerr signal in GeTe − Sb2Te3 topological superlattice, Do Bang, Hiroyuki Awano, Junji Tominaga, Yuta Saito, AIP Advances 6, 55810 (2017).

84. Intrinsic phonon properties of double-walled carbon nanotubes, HN Tran, DI Levshov, VC Nguyen, M Paillet, R Arenal, XT Than, AA Zahab, YI Yuzyuk, NM Phan, JL Sauvajol, T Michel, Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8, 15018 (2017).

85. Magnetic inductive heating of organs of mouse models treated by copolymer coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles, Hong Nam Pham, Thi Ha Giang Pham, Dac Tu Nguyen, Quoc Thong Phan, Thi Thu Huong Le, Phuong Thu Ha, Hung Manh Do, Thi My Nhung Hoang and Xuan Phuc Nguyen, Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology8, 025013 (10pp) (2017).

86. Photocatalytic performance of crystalline titania polymorphs in the degradation of hazardous pharmaceuticals and dyes, Thi Thuong Huyen Tran, Hendrik Kosslick, Axel Schulz, and Quang Liem Nguyen, Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8, 015011-015020 (2017).

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